Week 3: Descriptivism and Prescriptivism

Hi everyone,

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend! I’m writing with your assignment for this week.

Please read chapter 17 (pp. 75–78) in the Rickerson & Hilton book, as well as the reading titled “Language Files file 1.3.” Both can be accessed on the Readings page of the class site. Remember, the password is “linguist” (without the quotation marks). Later this week – probably on Wednesday – I’ll post a video going over some of the key points. I’ll email you again to let you know when that’s available, but, as with last week, I strongly encourage you to do the reading before watching the video.

After you’ve done the reading, please respond to the next discussion board thread I’ve posted, “Week 3: Descriptivism and prescriptivism.” Responses are due by 11:59pm this Friday.

Finally, if you haven’t yet responded to last week’s thread, “Week 2: What is language?,” you can do so now for partial credit. (Responses were due by 11:59pm last Friday.)

Thank you, and don’t hesitate to let me know if you’ve any questions!

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